What You Need to Know about Asthma
(Inside Diseases and Disorders) Annotated Edition
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Jan, 2022
Asthma is a respiratory condition marked by spasms, swelling, and excess mucus production in the bronchial passages of the lungs. This triggers coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. While asthma can usually be managed with medications and avoidance of certain triggers, it’s a serious―potentially deadly―chronic disease.
What You Need to Know about Asthma is part of Greenwood’s Inside Diseases and Disorders series. This series profiles a variety of physical and psychological conditions, distilling and consolidating vast collections of scientific knowledge into concise, readable volumes. A list of “top 10” essential questions begins each book, providing quick-access answers to readers’ most pressing concerns. The text follows a standardized, easy-to-navigate structure, with each chapter exploring a particular facet of the topic. In addition to covering such basics as causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, books in this series delve into issues that are less commonly addressed but still critically important, such as effects on loved ones and caregivers. Case illustrations highlight key themes discussed in the book and are accompanied by insightful analyses and recommendations.

Stem Cells, 2nd Edition
(Health and Medical Issues Today)
by Evelyn B. Kelly | July, 2019
Whether from adults or embryos, stem cells have the potential to develop into many other types of cells—an ability that makes them potentially invaluable for curing a wide variety of diseases and disorders. And while some stem cell treatments are already in use today and have achieved remarkable results, the use of such cells continues to be clouded in controversy.
This second edition of Steam Cells offers a wealth of new information and features. Coverage of research breakthroughs in the past decade has been added, including descriptions of recently discovered types of stem cells and stem cell therapies. In addition to addressing ethical and scientific controversies, the book also addresses issues such as the discrepancy between the public’s expectations for regenerative medicine and current medical realities. Also new in this edition is a collection of case studies, each of which helps to make the topics discussed in the book more accessible to readers.

Obesity, 2nd Edition
(Health and Medical Issues Today)
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Apr, 2018
Obesity is defined as the state of having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Although it may be easy to identify what obesity is, however, identifying its causes and effects can be more challenging. Genetic, hormonal, environmental, and behavioral factors all play a role in defining our weight, and the consequences of obesity go far beyond medical complications, to include impacts on psychological well-being and social health, and how we think about and address this growing epidemic has become just as controversial as it is important.
This second edition of Obesity offers a wealth of new information and features. Coverage of genetic and hormonal causes of obesity has been greatly expanded, as has discussion of medications and surgical techniques to manage obesity. The book reflects our expanded scientific understanding of obesity and delves into medical and societal debates about weight that have emerged in recent years. Also new in this edition is a collection of case studies, each of which helps to make the topics discussed in the book more accessible to readers.

Obesity, 1st Edition
(Health and Medical Issues Today)
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Apr, 2006
s obesity an illness? What is the connection between weight and genetics? These and other issues are explored in this balanced, in-depth introduction to the medical, scientific, legal, and cultural issues surrounding obesity and its import in healthcare.
This volume in the Health and Medical Issues Today series provides everything a student requires to understand the issues surrounding obesity, at the same time offering a springboard for further research into the issue.
Every day, newspapers and television news programs present stories on the latest controversies over healthcare and medical advances, but they do not have the space to provide detailed background on the issues. Websites and weblogs provide information from activists and partisans intent on presenting their side of a story. But where can students – or even ordinary citizens – go to obtain unbiased, detailed background on the medical issues affecting their daily lives? This volume in the Health and Medical Issues Today series provides readers and researchers a balanced, in-depth introduction to the medical, scientific, legal, and cultural issues surrounding obesity and its import in today’s world of healthcare.

The 101 Most Unusual Diseases and Disorders
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Nov, 2015
Despite centuries of scientific study and medical research, there are still many human diseases and disorders that remain difficult to manage or are incurable. Some of these maladies are extremely rare, yet, together, they affect a substantial number of people. The 101 Most Unusual Diseases and Disorders examines seldom-seen illnesses, providing high school and college students with an excellent resource for research as well as supplying fascinating reading for general readers interested in diseases and medical science.
This book provides clear, easy-to-understand, and scientifically grounded information on the vast number of unusual medical conditions that have been recorded, covering five kinds of diseases and disorders: genetic, infectious, environmental, mental, and “other,” which constitutes diseases of autoimmune and unknown origin. Examples of the medical conditions addressed include autoimmune encephalitis, Ebola, kleptomania, Morgellons syndrome, orthorexia, pneumoconiosis, and Prader-Willi syndrome. Selected case studies enable readers to better empathize with the experiences of those who have these disorders and how these afflictions have affected their lives.
![Encyclopedia of Human Genetics and Disease [2 volumes]](https://evelynkellyphd.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Encyclopedia-of-Human-Genetics-and-Disease-2-volumes-210x300.jpg)
Encyclopedia of Human Genetics and Disease
[2 volumes]
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Jan, 2013
Modern science has unlocked many of the mysteries of genetics, providing a blueprint for understanding the origins behind previously mysterious ailments and conditions, both common and uncommon. A complete understanding remains elusive, however: geneticists are still refining theories about what causes chromosomes to mutate, and genetic diseases remain difficult to diagnose and challenging to treat. This fascinating reference explores the scientific and human aspects of this complex field of science.
Encyclopedia of Human Genetics and Disease features nearly 400 entries, including well-known genetic diseases, rare and lesser-known genetic diseases, and the genetic factors that may contribute to common diseases and health conditions, such as breast cancer and obesity. The author presents in-depth discussions of concepts essential to understanding genetic disease in 18 entries that provide background on key topics, such as “Genetics 101,” the genome and the foundations of genetics, genetic counseling, and newborn screening. Each of the 355 disorders profiled provides the history of the condition, its prevalence, causes, treatment (if any), and further reading. Interesting sidebars and compelling photos that help inform content accompany many entries.

Investigating Influenza and Bird Flu:
Real Facts for Real Lives (Investigating Diseases)
by Evelyn B. Kelly (author), Clair Wilson (author) | July, 2010
You may have heard about influenza or strains of it like “bird flu” or “swine flu” in the news. But what exactly is influenza, and how do people get it? How can you tell if you have the flu or a cold? This book explains everything you need to know about the flu—including its history, treatments, and outlook for the future. A very current book about the latest pandemic threats and what scientists are doing to keep us safe.

Encyclopedia of
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Sept, 2009
Written for students and general readers, this comprehensive encyclopedia provides entries on the history, theories, symptoms, tests, treatments, and current and future research for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Alzheimer’s Disease (Genes & Disease) 1st Edition
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Sept, 2008
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia in older adults, robbing them of their minds and dignity. Presenting a history of the condition, this title looks at the human genome and explores how the pieces of the Alzheimer’s puzzle are beginning to fit together.

Gene Therapy (Health and Medical Issues Today)
by Evelyn B. Kelly | July, 2007
Every day, newspapers and television news programs present stories on the latest controversies over healthcare and medical advances, but they do not have the space to provide detailed background on the issues. Websites and weblogs provide information from activists and partisans intent on presenting their side of a story. But where can students – or even ordinary citizens – go to obtain unbiased, detailed background on the medical issues affecting their daily lives? This volume in the Health and Medical Issues Today series provides readers and researchers a balanced, in-depth introduction to the medical, scientific, legal, and cultural issues surrounding gene therapy and its import in today’s world of healthcare.
Gene Therapy is organized to provide researchers with easy access to the information they need. Section 1 provides overview chapters on the background information needed to intelligently understand the issues and controversies surrounding gene therapy, such as the history of theories of the gene and recent developments in clinical trials. Section 2 offers capsule examinations of the contemporary issues and debates that provoke the most heated disagreements and misunderstandings, such as whether or not humans should tinker with genetic material and who pays for genetic therapies. Section 3 includes reference material on stem cells, including primary source documents from important players in the struggle over gene therapy, a timeline of important events, and an annotated bibliography of useful print and electronic resources. This volume in the Health and Medical Issues Today series provides everything a student requires to understand the issues involved in gene therapy and provides a springboard for further research into the issue.

Stem Cells
(Health and Medical Issues Today) 1st Edition
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Nov, 2006
Every day, newspapers and television news programs present stories on the latest controversies over healthcare and medical advances, but they do not have the space to provide detailed background on the issues. Websites and weblogs provide information from activists and partisans intent on presenting their side of a story. But where can students – or even ordinary citizens – go to obtain unbiased, detailed background on the medical issues affecting their daily lives? This volume in the Health and Medical Issues Today series provides readers and researchers a balanced, in-depth introduction to the medical, scientific, legal, and cultural issues surrounding stem cells and its import in today’s world of healthcare.

The Skeletal System (Human Body Systems)
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Aug, 2004
Beginning with an exploration of the various bones in our bodies, this volume of the Encyclopedia of the Human Body discusses the parts of the skeletal system and how they work together to provide our bodies with shape, support, and movement, protection of tissues and organs, and production of blood cells. Both the axial bones of the skeleton and the appendicular bones of the limbs are explored. Joints, ligaments, tendons and cartilage are discussed in relation to the bones of the skeletal system. The history of the research on the skeletal system is presented and the future of research in this field is considered. Current controversies and dilemmas of scientists performing this research are explored. Skeletal system disorders, symptoms and treatments are explored, including sprains, fractures, arthritis, lyme disease, and carpal tunnel syndrome. This reference concludes with information about maintaining a healthy skeletal system, a comprehensive glossary, and resources for further information including web sites and contact information for organizations and national health institutions.
The Encyclopedia of the Human Body provides a complete, comprehensive reference source for students interested in the human body. Each book in this ten-volume set introduces and describes a specific body system, including the parts and function of each system, the history of discovery, related diseases and treatments, as well as possible future advances in research. Detailed illustrations and diagrams, including an eight-page color insert, provide a visual reference for written material.

Legal Basics: A Handbook for Educators 2nd Edition
by Evelyn B. Kelly | June, 2006

World of Genetics
by Evelyn B. Kelly | 2002
A two-volume encyclopedia for medical professionals and student researchers – wrote 20 articles and researched art work.

Science and its Times:
A Seven Volume Encyclopedia on the History of Medicine
Publication 2001
Contents: Wrote 100 articles on the history of medicine
The histories of science, technology and mathematics merge with the study of humanities and social science in this interdisciplinary reference work. Combining essays on people, theories, discoveries and concepts with overviews, primary documents and chronological elements, Science and Its Times offers students a fascinating way to understand the impact of science on the course of human history and how science affects everyday life.

Weather: A Hand-on, Minds-on Approach
by Evelyn B. Kelly | 2000
Target: Teachers and students in grades 4-5
Contents: Activities and lesson plans dealing with weather

Legal Basics: A Handbook for Educators
by Evelyn B. Kelly | 1999

Coping With Schizophrenia (Coping)
by Evelyn B. Kelly | Jan, 1999

Katarina Witt (Female Figure Skating Legends)
by Evelyn B. Kelly | 1998
Discusses the skating career of German figure skater, Katarina Witt, who won two Olympic gold medals before going on to skate professionally

Left-handed students: a forgotten minority
by Evelyn B. Kelly | 1996
Effects of handedness on students in the classroom

Memory Enhancement for Educators
by Evelyn B. Kelly | 1994
This Fastback contends that educators are in the memory business, that memory is probably our most maligned faculty, that forgetting is a fact of life, and that overall memory skills can be learned. The booklet addresses the following questions: How justified are people’s complaints about memory? How much is myth and how much is fact? What memory strategies can we learn and practice? and How can students be helped to learn memory techniques. Following an introduction, the publication is organized into six parts. The first part, “Don’t Myth-Interpret Your Memory,” provides a quiz that seeks to separate fact from fiction. Part two, “What is Memory?” discusses short-term and long-term memory and how memories actually form, and it provides an initial memory activity. Mnemonics, internal memory strategies, remembering names and faces, and external memory strategies are the subject of part three, “Memory Principles.” The fourth section, “Helping Students Remember,” covers teaching memory techniques to young children and describes the role of mnemonics in the teaching of literature. Section five, “Don’t Be an Absent-Minded Educator,” discusses the benefits of memory enhancing skills and goals. Contains 15 resources.

Dealing with Death: A Strategy for Tragedy
by Evelyn B. Kelly | 1990
Target: Educators Contents: Stages of grief and dealing with it in a school situation